As a black night fast approaches dawn
We gather in mist by the gnomon
As the stones are struck by the suns first rays
We feel the Earthpower in our veins
The awesome power that fills the stone
We feel it in our minds and bones
And as we dance around the ring
Joy fills our souls - We start to sing
Old power awakened and growing fast
An awesome force from deep in the past
But there are those who do not understand
And the stones are desecrated
By their hands.

One such group of stones facing desecration 
At the hands of these people is the standing stone complex 
At Callanish on the Isle Of Lewis in Scotland. 
Sometimes referred to as the "Stonehenge of the North", 
This unique arrangment of stones is facing the same 
Kind of rape that happened at Stonehenge. 
There are now plans a foot to construct a hideous unsightly visitor centre 
There this ruining the whole aura of the place 
- along with the plans to build a bigger road 
And even to charge an admission fee. 
Who are these people who in their arrogance 
That they can deny the people access to our owntemples? 
Stone circles belong to all of us not simply to the powers that be. 
These are same people who seriously considered 
Carpetting Stonehenge with astroturf and even considered 
Costructing a plastic replica "foamhenge" beside real monument! 
Such people are not fit guardians of these places. 
Free the stones.
Free the stones.